150 – Focus on Success not Busy
Success is about doing the right things not about doing everything right.
Today is about asking yourself the right question to get extraordinary results in your life.
What if you just had to focus on one thing and everything would fall into place? Think of a table of dominoes and you only have to knock over the right one and everything succinctly falls one by one by one until they are all down. As you think of your business do you have a very large to-do list every day and as you tick them off the list more are added and it seems overwhelming. How do we get results that make a big difference? It comes down to one question!
So, what’s the one question?
What’s the one thing in my job or business that I could do that such by doing it would make everything would be easier or unnecessary?
In today’s episode I am going to highlight how to find your one thing by playing a video On the ONE THING which is a based on the book written by Garry Keller and Jay Papasan video produced by Readyforit.me
We will have the link to the book and you can watch the video on our show notes page at Maxumcorp.com.au
This video you will learn that successful people go small and focus on what they should do.
It’s broken out into four lessons:
Lesson 1: The Myth of To-do Lists
Lesson 2: The Myth of Discipline and Willpower
Lesson 3: The Myth of Work Life Balance
Lesson 4: Finding your One Thing
Here’s the video have a listen to this video
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