Entrepreneurship is as important as innovation for national and global economic growth. “Innovation is essential, and we need it. According to Gallup’s Poll. Gallup is a research company in USA that deliver analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems. With more than 80 years of experience with its global reach, Gallup knows more about the attitudes and behaviors of employees, customers, students and citizens than any other organization in the world. They conducted research from 2,500 entrepreneurs to understand what it takes to create a business, scale it, make profits and create jobs. They stated that the real magic starts with entrepreneurs," “Entrepreneurs create customers, and customers, in turn, create jobs and economic growth,” Creativity, ideas, discovery and innovation are one side of the growth coin – the other side is commercialization. Through their research, they have discovered there are 10 key talents of successful Entrepreneurs.
Here they are…. business focus, confidence, creativity/creative thinking, delegation, determination, independence, knowledge-seeking, promotion, relationship-building and last but not least risk-taking.
How many of these do you have?
They say the key to success is to fully understand how to apply your greatest talents and strengths in your everyday life. So how do you do that???? First step is knowing what your strengths are! And you can do that easily with Gallup’s Strengths finder assessment. We will have links on our show notes page to this assessment.
I found it interesting to hear the top 10 talent or qualities of successful entrepreneurs based on research but what I found even more motivating is hearing directly from amazing successful entrepreneurs share their best advice. Have a listen to a short video from Influencive.com- as they provide Unconventional Wisdom from Influential Minds. We’ll have links on our show notes page so you can watch the video so you can put a name to the voice. @Maxumcorp.com.au/podcast episode 134
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