081 - FOCUS AND IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSYou may have heard me say in past episodes my motto is work Smarter not harder. It’s not about how much work you do. It’s about how effective your work is. In Today’s fantastic episode you will hear strategies and tips that successful […]
Read More080 - KEITH ABRAHAM- PASSION, GOALS AND FOCUSFor almost 20 years Keith Abraham has researched how top performing people harness their passion, achieve their goals and focus on what’s most important to bring the best out of themselves and their businesses. Keith is a best-selling author of 5 books published in 11 different languages AND In his 20 […]
Read More079 - TOP BUSINESS APP'S - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSFive Apps to help you get more done, get around faster and drink better wine. Featured App's Commit to 3Create teams with co-workers, friends, and family. Commit to your 3 most important tasks each day. Track your progress.
Read More078 - CAMERON HEROLD - THE BUSINESS GROWTH GURUI have known Cameron for a while we met back in 2010 at a global leadership conference in New Orleans We had a tiny bit in common as I had a recycling company focused on collecting old electronics and he had a super successful company everyone has […]
Read More077 – CONVERSION OPTIMISATION - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERS"Conversion rate optimisation is both an art and a science. It’s based on scientific methods: A/B and multivariate testing that prove what prompts visitors to take action. But it’s also an art – of understanding your customers’ motivations, and crafting messages and images with emotive, […]
Read More076 - BETTINA MCLEOD - ONLINE BUSINESSI met Bettina through the Entrepreneurs organisation accelerator program about a year ago. Bettina is founder and designer of the SIRENS Swimwear, a label which Bettina established in Sydney in 2009. The range is inspired by channelling the 1950s and 60s vintage style swimware. Bettina is currently running her swimwear empire from Brisbane […]
Read More075 – EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSIn episode 075 we're focusing on Emotional Intelligence and how personality assessments can help make better leaders. Source: http://www.talentsmart.com Gallup Strength Finder tells you how you’re talented. It identifies what you naturally do best. It provides customized results that name your unique talents. It shows you how you’re special, and […]
Read More074 - NICOLE DONNELLY - LEVERAGE YOUR STRENGTHSelling phone wire for bracelets as a little girl; was the first in a long line of entrepreneurial ventures that lead to selling baby leg warmers, social media training, condoms, and now business coaching with a focus on EQ (emotional intelligence). SPECIAL OFFER Take the Gallup Strengthsfinder Top […]
Read More073 – SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MODEL - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSDid your business reach the revenue projections you set last year? If not have you made changes to your business model so you don’t repeat the same disappointment this year. My motto is work smarter not harder. Last year I spent time investigating how […]
Read More072 - RODAN + FIELDS – WITH STEVE & AMY COURTNEYThis interview is completely different then my regular interviews as it is live in a dining room at Elements Resort in Byron Bay Australia, with a husband and wife couple who work together in the Direct Selling Industry. Featured Guests - Stephen and Amy Courtney
Read More071 – GOAL SETTING - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSWelcome to our first Golden Nugget Friday of the year! I will share my personal BEST tools for goal setting and starting this year off with a bang. Not only are we giving you amazing free templates to download for your business we will cover the best of the […]
Read More070 – BEST LESSONS FROM 2016 - WITH SHELLEY ROGERS47% of entrepreneurs we interviewed last year spoke of cash flow issues and economic downturns as their worst entrepreneurial moments. This episode is not only going to show you some really powerful examples of what happens when things go financially wrong but also some valuable tips […]
Read More069 - FREE & DISCOUNTED TOOLS FOR YOUR BUSINESS - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERS2016 has been a big year for me. I launched my first podcast and interviewed some amazing guests throughout the year. I have learned so much from talking with entrepreneurs each week about their ups and downs of business. I […]
Read More068 - BEST ADVICE FROM 2016 - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSAs we head into the new year, we often take time to reflect on this past year and set ourselves resolutions or goals for year ahead. It is a time when many entrepreneurs decide to take the leap and vow to make their […]
Read More067 EDUCATE YOUR MARKET PROFITABILITY – WITH SARAH CORDINERSarah is a number 1 best-selling author, qualified educator, professional speaker, and multiple award-winning CEO with 11 years in business in the education industry. 50% Discount SPECIAL OFFER Go to: sarahcordiner.com/createcourse and use the code: learnerbonus to receive 50% off the total price! This is an amazing opportunity […]
Read More066 - OVERCOMING FEAR - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSToday is going to a BIG ONE as we dive deep into what holds Entrepreneurs back the most…. Can you guess what that is??? It’s FEAR of Failure! Omar Zenhom is the co-founder of The $100 MBA, the largest alternative business education online. He's also […]
Read More065 - MI6 TACTICS FOR BUSINESS – WITH ALANA WINTERAlana has a company called Stiletto Spy School and MI6 Academy. I have known Alana for many years, she lives in NYC 50% of the time & travels the world the other 50%.We recently spent 5 days together in Port Douglas where and I participated in […]
Read More064 – BRANDING, BABES & BUBBLES Today’s Gold Nugget Friday episode is very different. It’s very raw, really entertaining but most of all it contains some brilliant advice and commentary from two of Australia’s most talented branding experts – Franziska Iseli and Andrea Culligan. Branding, Babes & Bubbles is a recording of a Facebook Live […]
Read More063 PERCEPTION, IT’S A MINDSET THING – WITH FRANZISKA ISELI Franziska is a maverick entrepreneur, leading marketing and brand strategist, speaker, author and the co-founder of BasicBananas.com, oceanlovers.global, yourssocially.com, thebusinesshood.com and impacteurs.com. Franziska is also the author of bestselling book PERCEPTION – Take charge of how others view your brand, become irresistible and make a bigger […]
Read More062 - FAMILY RUN BUSINESSES - GOLDEN NUGGET FRIDAY WITH SHELLEY ROGERSDo you own a family business? Are you thinking about starting a venture with your significant other or other close family members? Well you won’t want to miss today’s episode on the ups and downs of family businesses. This week I interviewed Omar Zenhom. Omar […]
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